Slaughter Services

North Fork Packing slaughter:

Beef slaughter: $160 each*

Pork slaughter= $150each

6+ pigs = $125/each

*Additional slaughter fee of $20/beef applies to a beef with horns, to cover additional handling.

Sheep or goat = $210

slaughter & processing flat rate

Mobile farm slaughter

#1) Gus Tararan

Macello Mobile Slaughter 425-870-2433

Beef = $200 each

Pork = $175 each

#2) Zach Marshall

Marshall and Sons Custom Slaughter


Beef = $250/bull

$200 single beef

$180 two or more beef

Pork or sheep = $130 each

Gus and Zach are independent contractors and payment needs to be remitted directly to them.

We do accept self slaughter, with the right to refuse service due to excessively dirty carcasses.

Self slaughter beef needs to be skinned and quartered.

Self slaughtered pigs need to be skinned and halved.

Self slaughtered sheep/goats needs to be skinned and can be left whole.

Call Laurabeth


to coordinate slaughter.

Need to haul animals? Call:

Randy Otter 425-418-0975

Marv Wilson 206-999-4088