$1.60/lb all inclusive hanging weight cost
Deer & bear minimum = $170
Elk & moose minimum = $320
Hanging weight cost per pound is an all inclusive price that includes applicable taxes, boxing, disposal, added fat and seasonings, etc.
We do not accept harvested animals without a valid big game licensing tag. Tag must stay with the carcass.
Carcasses must be field dressed and skinned.
Call before dropping off to confirm we have space in the cooler and processing schedule.
Excessively dirty carcasses will be subjected to an additional $50 surcharge at our discretion.
We are not responsible for excessive cutting loss due to dirty and improperly maintained or sour meat.
We reserve the right to refuse service.
Hang only: $40
Price includes individual processing: no batching of cuts or grind
Grinding and packing only of boned out meat = $2.25/lb. (No cleaning or processing will be provided.)
At this time, we do not offer added value processing: summer sausage, pepperoni sticks, etc. For additional added value processing, take frozen trim to TNT Custom Wild Game. Call Emry at TNT 360-387-2683 to coordinate.